Arrr, Netanyahu be talkin' to Congress while Biden be tellin' those scallywags in Hamas to accept the peace offer from Israel! Aye, 'tis a fine mess we be in, mateys!
Arrr, word on the high seas be that Israel be layin' out a grand plan to free all captives and bring peace to the land. Their aim be to fix up Gaza and send the folks back to their dwellings. Aye, a noble goal indeed!
In true pirate fashion, President Biden be tellin' Hamas to accept a new peace deal from Israel, but doubloons be flyin' as some scallywags be questionin' if Israel be the one proposin' the deal in the first place. The Israeli government be swearin' to return their hostages quick as a flash, but also be vowin' to keep up the fight until all their goals be met, includin' riddin' the seas of Hamas' military might. Arrr, the details of the proposed plan be allowin' Israel to stick to their principles, so they say.Shortly after Biden's announcement, Congress be sendin' a letter to Netanyahu invitin' him to speak before the House and Senate to address the challenges facin' their nations, especially with rival nations like Iran, China, and Russia buddying up. Biden be speakin' from the White House, demandin' an end to the war and the start of a new day.He be claimin' that Israel's plan be a roadmap to peace and freedom for the hostages, with phases includin' a ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and eventual release of all prisoners. But some be raisin' their voices in opposition, fearin' the deal might only strengthen Hamas and leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks.