The Booty Report

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Arrr, Captain Trump be victorious, mateys! Fox News says we be standin' with Israel in true pirate fashion!


Arr matey, feast yer eyes on the latest musings from Fox News Opinion and set sail with videos from Sean Hannity, Raymond Arroyo and other scallywags. Ye won't be disappointed, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, aye, Captain!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, Fox News host Sean Hannity be lamenting a 'sad day' for America's justice system after the Trump verdict be handed down. Arrr, me mateys, this be a dark day indeed. Jason Chaffetz be scallywagging about how the guilty verdict be showing the lengths to which the Democratic Party be willin' to go to win. Aye, them scurvy dogs be pullin' out all the stops.Meanwhile, Biden's border crisis be makin' it easy for Chinese nationals to be sneakin' into the USA, causin' all sorts of trouble and mayhem. The Dems be tryin' their one trick, but it be blowin' up in their faces, like a cannonball fired back at 'em. And Sen. Lindsay Graham be shoutin' from the mast that Americans need to stand with Israel, loud and proud.Raymond Arroyo be havin' a laugh at Jill Biden and 'The View' hosts, claimin' that age don't matter in the 2024 election. And Pete Hegseth be prayin' that his sons serve in the military, hopin' their sacrifice be worth it. But alas, veteran homelessness be on the rise while Biden be too busy helpin' illegal immigrants.Mark Penn be wonderin' if the guilty verdict be destroyin' Trump or makin' him stronger. And Newt Gingrich be warnin' that Biden's incompetence be no joke, as our enemies be watchin' closely. So gather round, me hearties, and check out the political cartoons of the day. It be a wild ride on the high seas of politics, arrr!

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