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Arrr mateys, the UN be settin' sail to end the Iraq mission, started after the Yankee invasion o' Saddam!


Arrr mateys, listen up! The U.N. Security Council be sailin' away from Iraq, leavin' behind the mess from that 2003 scuffle led by the landlubber Americans. No more political shenanigans in that land of sand and sunsets, says the council. Aye aye, says I!

Arr mateys, the U.N. Security Council be votin' to end the political mission in Iraq, set up back in 2003 after that scallywag Saddam Hussein was taken down. The Iraqi government be askin' for this mission to be wrapped up by the end of 2025, and that be exactly what this resolution does. The mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq be extended for 19 months, until all work ceases on December 31, 2025.This resolution, sponsored by the U.S., be askin' Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to prepare a transition plan by the end of 2024 so UNAMI can start withdrawin' its staff and assets. The council be supportin' Iraq's efforts to stabilize the country, fightin' against the likes of the Islamic State group and al-Qaida extremists.Back in 2014, the Islamic State group declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, attractin' supporters from all corners. The U.S.-led coalition defeated these scallywags in 2017 and 2019, but sleeper cells still lurk. Iraq be seekin' to wind down the military coalition fightin' IS, claimin' its security forces be up to the task.This resolution also supports Iraq's efforts in reform, human rights, essential services, job creation, and economic diversification. It tasks UNAMI with helpin' with elections, resolving issues with Kuwait, aidin' displaced Iraqis, providin' healthcare and economic development, and promotin' accountability and human rights.The U.S. deputy ambassador be pleased with the resolution's adoption, while Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador emphasizes the importance of respectin' Iraq's sovereignty and internal affairs. It be a new chapter for Iraq, as they be takin' the helm of their political future and sailin' towards a brighter horizon.

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