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Arr matey, makin' Pakistan stronger against blackouts could save 175,000 souls by 2030, says the UNICEF scallywags!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The latest findings from the United Nations be sayin' that over 175,000 souls in Pakistan could be saved by 2030 if we be fixin' up the energy systems for their healin' huts. Arrr, let's help them scallywags stay healthy and hearty!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, developing resilient energy systems to power health facilities in Pakistan could save over 175,000 lives by the year 2030, says a new study by the United Nations children’s agency, arrr!Not only that, it could also add $296 million to the country’s economy over the next 20 years by reducing deaths among mothers, adults, and wee ones, according to UNICEF, ye scallywags!The study comes at a time when Pakistan be facing a sweltering heatwave that be making folks sick and strainin' the healthcare system, arrr!The temperatures be hittin' a scorching 49 degrees Celsius in parts of Pakistan, and forest fires be breakin' out due to the heat, aye!Authorities be battlin' the blazes as plumes of smoke fill the air, and they be urg'nt people to stay indoors, drink plenty o' grog, and cut back on travel, lest they add to the strain on the power supply, arrr!UNICEF be sayin' that resilient energy be crucial for keepin' schools and health centers runnin' smoothly, so that children can learn, thrive, and grow up to be swashbucklin' pirates, just like us!Climate change be causin' havoc in Pakistan, with floods and extreme weather wreakin' havoc on the power supply and water infrastructure, aye mateys!UNICEF be workin' to restore water systems and implement solar power initiatives to help the good folk of Pakistan weather the storm, but they be needin' more help from the private sector, so let's all join hands and sail towards a brighter, greener future, arrr!

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