The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Biden be seekin' peace, but Netanyahu be wantin' to send those scurvy dogs to Davy Jones' locker! Aye!


Arr mateys, President Biden be talkin' 'bout a plan for peace that he be callin' an "Israeli proposal," but them scallywags in Israel be arguin' over the details. Let's hope they can all come to an agreement before they have to walk the plank! Arrr!

Arrr me hearties! Listen up as I tell ye the tale of President Biden and the cease-fire saga! The lad laid out a plan in three stages, like a treasure map leading to a golden chest, for a cease-fire to end all the scuffles in the land. He called it an “Israeli proposal,” but it seems the crew of Israel be havin' a rumble in their ranks over what shape this deal should take.
Picture it, a ship with two captains, each wantin' to steer the vessel in their own direction. One wants peace, the other wants glory. Will they be able to find common ground, or will they end up walkin' the plank together?
President Biden be walkin' a fine line, trying to appease both sides like a parrot with two crackers in his claws. But ye know what they say, the only way to find a resolution is to sail through the stormy waters together. So let's raise our mugs of grog and hope that the winds of diplomacy blow in the right direction for all involved. Arrr!

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