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Arr, them Turkish scallywags be causin' a ruckus in Syria, blastin' our mates and innocent folk alike! Aye!


Arrr mateys! Four brave scallywags be sent to Davy Jones' locker by Turkish drones in the land of Syria. Eleven poor landlubbers be wounded in the crossfire. 'Tis a sad day when innocent homes be plundered in the city of Qamishli!

Arrr, mateys! In a fierce battle in northeastern Syria, Turkish drone strikes be killin' four U.S.-backed fighters and wounding 11 civilians, as reported by the Kurdish-led force. These strikes be comin' after Turkey's president threatened action against Kurdish-led groups plannin' local elections. The strikes hit the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces and civilian dwellings in Qamishli. The Kurdish Red Crescent's ambulance got hit too, disruptin' their rescue efforts near Amouda.The autonomous Kurdish administration plans to hold municipal elections, but the State Department be warnin' against it. Turkey be fearin' the elections could lead to an independent Kurdish entity near its border, seein' the Kurdish militia groups as terrorists linked to insurgency.The conflict between Turkey and the Kurds has been goin' on for decades, with the Kurdish militants playin' a key role in the fight against ISIS. This support from the U.S. be causin' tension between Turkey and the States. President Erdogan be adamant about protectin' Turkey's territorial integrity from the Kurdish threat.

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