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Arrr matey, Mexico's scallywags and buccaneers be meddling in the elections like never before! Aye, beware!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the scallywags and rapscallions of Mexico's gangs and drug cartels be meddling in the upcoming elections, tryin' to sway the votes in their favor. With the presidency, governorships, and mayorships at stake, may the best buccaneer win! Aye, me thinks it be time to shiver me timbers and keep a weather eye on the political waters ahead!

In the upcoming elections in Mexico, drug cartels and gangs are heavily involved, particularly in targeting local candidates who threaten their control. These groups rely on controlling local police chiefs and municipal budgets for their power. Instead of focusing on national politics, they are more interested in influencing local elections by using violence and intimidation tactics.Security analyst David Saucedo believes that the cartels will mobilize their supporters to ensure that their favored candidates win. They use various tactics such as distributing food, cash, medicine, and infrastructure projects to gain loyal voters. These groups are increasingly resorting to violence, including mass attacks on campaign rallies and targeted assassinations of candidates.As the election draws near, incidents of violence related to the cartels have escalated, with numerous attacks on candidates and polling places. The cartels are desperate to maintain control over local politics, even resorting to killing candidates who are not aligned with their interests. This dangerous trend is spreading across the country, posing a significant threat to the electoral process and democracy in Mexico.

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