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Arrr! Trump be joinin' the ranks o' scallywags who prosecute their rivals. Who else be walkin' the plank?


Avast ye scallywags! The scurvy dog Trump be cryin' foul, claimin' Biden be tryin' to keep him from seekin' office again. But the White House be keepin' a safe distance from the legal shenanigans. Arrr, the drama be fit for the high seas!

In a twist of fate fit for a swashbuckling tale, former President Donald Trump has been found guilty in a New York City court of falsifying business documents connected to payments made to Michael Cohen, who famously paid off Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election. This verdict places Trump in the company of other world leaders who have faced legal troubles after leaving office, much to the chagrin of some in the U.S. who worry about the country's image on the global stage. Despite restrained reactions from many world leaders, Trump's allies have rallied around him, urging him to "keep fighting" against what they see as a politically motivated attack.Meanwhile, in Russia, Vladimir Putin's relentless efforts to keep his chief political rival Alexei Navalny out of office have led to a tragic outcome, with Navalny ultimately dying in prison under brutal conditions. In Hong Kong, opposition figures have been convicted of subverting state power, drawing condemnation from international watchdogs. Similar cases of opposition suppression have been reported in India, Brazil, Venezuela, and Cambodia, highlighting a troubling global trend of leaders using legal means to silence dissent.As the world watches these dramatic events unfold, the question remains: will justice prevail, or will political power triumph over the rule of law?

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