The Booty Report

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Arrr, the constables be on the lookout for the scallywag who left a wee babe aboard a land ship!


Avast ye scallywags! A wee babe was found aboard an MTA vessel in Baltimore, Maryland, on a fine Saturday afternoon! The authorities be seekin' the truth of this strange happening. Keep yer eyes peeled for more news on this curious tale! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! A curious discovery was made on a bus in Baltimore, Maryland, arrr! A fetus was found on the MTA Green Route bus, shiver me timbers! The bus driver stumbled upon this unexpected treasure around midday on Kirk Avenue, aye.The bus was sailing south on its route between Towson and Downtown Baltimore when this peculiar find was made, aye. Residents be shocked by this news, wondering what be happening these days on the high seas of public transportation, arrr!This be not the first time such a discovery has been made, mateys. In Florida, a dead baby was found in a dumpster, with the mother admitting she be in the country illegally and unable to afford medical care, aye.In Virginia, a "late-term fetus" was found in a pond, prompting a swift investigation by the authorities, arrr! Ye scallywags be on the lookout for such oddities in unexpected places, for the mysteries of the deep be vast and strange indeed!

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