The Booty Report

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Films and scrolls of the queer persuasion, a jolly good time for all ye landlubbers! Aye, me hearties!


Arrr mateys! Feast yer eyes upon these seven treasures: "The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson" to "Gay USA," sure to bring ye joy, history, and rainbows brighter than a chest full o' gold! Set sail for a cinematic adventure like no other!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round and feast yer eyes on a bounty of cinematic treasures that will fill yer sails with joy, history, and rainbows. From "The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson" to "Gay USA," these seven movies be sure to shiver yer timbers and warm the cockles of yer heart.
Set yer sights on "The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson," a tale of courage and resilience from the high seas of activism. Raise yer flag for "Gay USA," a rollicking adventure through the waters of LGBTQ history.
Avast ye, for "The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson" be a testament to the strength and spirit of a true pirate queen. And "Gay USA" be a treasure trove of laughter and love, a voyage of discovery for all ye landlubbers.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare to set sail on a cinematic journey like no other. These seven movies be the wind in yer sails, the stars in yer sky, and the rainbows in yer horizon. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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