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Arrr! The scallywag Hunter Biden be walkin' the plank with his drug use, but we be knowin' the truth already!


Arrr me hearties! Ye scurvy dog Hunter Biden, son of Cap'n Biden, be facin' trial in Wilmington, Delaware on Monday for three federal gun charges linked to his grog swillin' ways. Avast ye, the seas be rough for this lad!

President Biden’s son Hunter Biden is set to face a historic trial in Delaware on Monday, where prosecutors will delve into his crack cocaine addiction and purchase of a handgun. The trial will kick off in a federal court in Wilmington, where Biden faces three felony firearm offenses related to the 2018 purchase of a .38 revolver. Biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which could result in up to 25 years in prison, a $250,000 fine per count, and three years of supervised release.Prosecutors allege that Biden lied about his drug addiction when purchasing the gun, claiming he was not an unlawful user of controlled substances. Biden has been open about his struggles with addiction, including crack cocaine, and has been sober since 2019. The trial will focus on proving that Biden knowingly made false statements on the firearm purchase form and possessed the gun while addicted to substances.Despite efforts to dismiss the case, the trial will proceed with jury selection. Biden’s defense team argues that he had completed a rehab program before the gun purchase and was not an active drug user at the time. The trial is expected to last at least a week and will not be televised. Biden also faces a criminal tax trial in California in September for charges related to $1.4 million in owed taxes, to which he has pleaded not guilty.

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