The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Trump be baskin' in the love o' his scurvy crew o' blokes, aye matey!"


Arrr matey, the ex-president's strut at a U.F.C. brawl in Newark on Saturday night displayed his burly charm, and his rebellious spirit. Aye, he be a bold buccaneer in the ring of politics and pugilism alike!

Arrr, me hearties! Did ye see the former president makin' an appearance at the U.F.C. fight in Newark? Aye, 'tis true! The scallywag be showin' off his hypermasculine appeal and his defiance like a true pirate of the seven seas!
With his rugged looks and bold demeanor, he be struttin' around like a swashbucklin' corsair, showin' the landlubbers who's the true master of the high seas. The lasses be swoonin' at his every move, and the lads be tremblin' in their boots at his fierce presence.
But beware, me hearties, for behind that mask of bravado lies a cunning mind and a shrewd wit. The former president be playin' the game of politics like a seasoned buccaneer, outwittin' his foes and sailin' to victory on the waves of public opinion.
So raise a tankard of grog to the former president, the scallywag who be showin' us all how to sail the treacherous waters of modern politics with style and swagger. Arrr, me hearties, long live the pirate in all of us!

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