The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags be gettin' the boot fer stirrin' up trouble against Israel! Walk the plank, ye troublemakers! Arrr!


Arrr, nine scallywags be walkin' the plank outta Greece for causin' a ruckus in them anti-Israel protests at University of Athens! Shiver me timbers, they be thrown out like a bunch o' landlubbers!

Ye scurvy dogs be listenin' to this tale of nine European landlubbers facin' deportation from Greece for causin' a ruckus on the University of Athens School of Law's campus. These troublemakers hail from Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and Spain and were caught disruptin' the operation of a public place and assistin' in damage to foreign property.The scallywags be denyin' their misdeeds, but the evidence be stacked against 'em - with leaflets, Palestinian flags, smoke flares, gas masks, and more found in their possession. While the Greek protesters be let off the hook, the nine foreign nationals be awaitin' their fate in custody.Arrr, the lawyers be cryin' foul, sayin' deportin' the defendants before their trial be unjust. The government o' Greece be crackin' down on lawlessness, scrappin' a law preventin' police from enterin' universities.Protests in support o' Palestinians be sweepin' Greece, just like in the U.S., in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. These scurvy dogs be in deep waters, with their future uncertain as they fight against deportation.

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