The Booty Report

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Me hearties, if Biden's crew be tamperin' with Title IX, us lasses o' the sportin' seas will be doomed!


Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy Biden crew be messin' with the laws of the land, changin' the meaning of sex and givin' the lasses a raw deal. A pox on their ship for takin' away the fair play for our lady athletes! Aye, 'tis a sad day for the she-pirates of the sea!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, let me tell ye about a seriously bad idea that be hurtin' a lot o' people. The Biden administration has gone and revised the Title IX rules, changin' the definition of "sex" to include "gender identity." This decision not only guts equal opportunities for women, especially female athletes like meself, but it also puts their health and safety at risk. Many lawsuits have been filed to challenge these new changes, but the administration seems determined to ignore scientific reality and embrace radical gender ideology.Men and women be different, that's just a fact. When men be competin' against women in sports, it's the women who usually end up gettin' hurt. The whole reason we have separate teams be to ensure fair play and equal opportunities for all. But the administration be ignorin' all that and pushin' for men who identify as women to compete alongside us.These new regulations ain't protectin' women's rights, privacy, or safety. Women and girls will be forced to share spaces with men, which can lead to all sorts o' trouble. The Biden administration's agenda be underminin' the very essence of women's sports and puttin' their hard work and dreams at risk.By tryin' to change the laws of the land, the administration be causin' frustration and disappointment among women across the country. The impact of their agenda be eradicatin' female-only sports and spaces, underminin' the very foundation of women's rights and protections. It be a dangerous game they be playin', and it be the women who be payin' the price.

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