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Ye scallywag climate crusader be messin' with art in Paris! Aye, that be some bold plunderin'! Arrr!


Arr, a daring wench be caught red-handed defacing a masterpiece by the famous Claude Monet! The scallywag be arrested fer her treacherous deed at the Orsay Museum in Paris. Ye can't be messin' with the art, matey!

Avast ye scallywags! The Paris authorities be walkin' the plank with a radical climate protester who dared to deface a famous painting by the great Claude Monet at the Orsay Museum! This landlubber, part of the Riposte Alimentaire crew, slapped a big red sticker on Monet's masterpiece "Les Coquelicots" and stuck her hand to the wall like a barnacle!The sticker showed a grim sight of the same scene in 2100, all ablaze and dry as a bone, if we don't smarten up against climate change, they say. The lass has been thrown in the brig for now, while the Paris police figure out if the painting took any real harm.Looks like these Riposte Alimentaire scallywags won't be lettin' up soon, targetin' more artworks in France to raise the alarm on protectin' our grub from the climate's wrath. The Musée d'Orsay, where this tomfoolery happened, be a treasure trove of Impressionist wonders and a hotspot for tourists.

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