The Booty Report

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Arrr, North Korea be givin' up sendin' poop-filled balloons to the South. Them scallywags be makin' peace, mateys!


Arrr, North Korea be swearin' to cease launchin' their foul balloons into South Korea. The scallywags claim these balloons be carryin' naught but manure, cigarette butts, and other rubbish. Looks like they be keepin' their stink to themselves now, mateys!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! North Korea be stoppin' the flyin' o' hundreds o' balloons carryin' trash and manure to South Korea, claimin' they be wantin' to give 'em a taste o' their own medicine. The South be threatenin' an "unbearable" retaliation, but the North be quick to call it off.Last week, the North be sendin' balloons filled with trash and manure across the border, causin' quite a stir. The South’s military be mobilizin' response teams to clean up the mess.Kim Jong Un be pushin' his scientists to keep workin' on their failed satellite launch, sayin' it be important for keepin' an eye on the U.S. and South Korea. The South be plannin' to restart their loudspeaker broadcasts into the North, spreadin' world news and K-pop songs.The North be sensin' trouble and be warnin' that if the South be sendin' more leaflets over, they be sendin' more balloons. The tension be risin' between the two countries, with accusations flyin' left and right.Despite the conflict, Kim be lookin' to Russia for support, showin' off his ties with Putin. The future be uncertain, but one thing be clear – the seas be gettin' rough between North and South Korea.

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