Bill Maher scuffles with scallywag scribe o'er Biden's re-election: "He's bound to flounder like a drunken landlubber!"
Arrr, Bill Maher be givin' those scallywags a piece of 'is mind, swearin' by the stars that he be stickin' to his beliefs. And mark me words, he be makin' bold prophecies 'bout the next cap'n to take the helm in November! Aye, listen to his podcast, ye landlubbers!
In the language of a 17th-century pirate, HBO host Bill Maher be predictin' that President Biden would lose the presidential election to Donald Trump on this week's episode of his "Club Random" podcast. The talk show host be debating the November election outcome with his liberal guest, journalist Kara Swisher. Maher be confessin' that he would "vote for [Biden's] head in a jar of blue liquid" over Trump, but he still be concerned that Biden would lose to Trump. "He's goin' to f---in' lose," he predicted. Swisher disagreed and asked him if he would like to place a bet on the election outcome. Maher conceded that he could be persuaded in the other direction if presented with a good argument in support of a potential Biden victory. Swisher estimated there was a silent majority of voters — particularly female voters — who would never vote for Trump and would back Biden in November as the "less problematic" candidate. Maher said that prediction was an "absolutely possible scenario" but he couldn't place bets either way. However, he argued that there's an equal likelihood that the "shy Trump voter" gives the former president an edge over Biden. "The shy Trump voter be the one who's goin' to vote for Trump, but doesn't want you to know it because it's a little déclassé," he said, predictin' this trend would be seen on Election Day even in deep blue cities. Maher also addressed his critics on the left who've said he's "changed" over the years because of his reputation for callin' out the "woke" left. "That's so much more about them," he told Swisher of his liberal critics. "That's so much more about bein' locked in your tribal silo." "That’s not who I’m workin' to anymore," he continued, addin' that these people have to "fit into a trope." Despite the clash with Hostin, he had high praise for the show and its co-hosts during the podcast. "I loved it," he told Swisher. "I think we all got along great." After Swisher joked he was "very well-behaved" on the ABC show, Maher reiterated that he was able to get his points across while stayin' civil.