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Arrr! Biden be wantin' to plunder yer gold with higher taxes. But even he should be lovin' Trump's tax cuts.


Arrr mateys, the scallywags be at odds o'er the Trump tax cuts. The Donald be clingin' to 'em like a barnacle on a ship's hull, while Biden be swearin' to send 'em to Davy Jones' locker. Avast ye, here be the commotion if they walk the plank!

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have opposing views on the Trump tax cuts, with Trump wanting to make them permanent and Biden promising to repeal them to tax America back to prosperity. There are many factual errors circulating about the tax cuts, so let's review the facts on how they have impacted jobs, the economy, tax fairness, and the tax code simplicity.The Trump tax law provided one of the largest middle-class tax cuts in U.S. history, saving the average family of four around $2,000 annually. Repealing the bill would raise taxes for most families making less than $400,000. The tax cuts also simplified the tax code for the majority of Americans by doubling the standard deduction, reducing the need for complex itemization.The tax cuts made millionaires and billionaires in blue states pay their fair share by capping state and local tax deductions. They also expanded the economy and business activity, leading to increased tax revenues. Contrary to popular belief, the rich actually paid more taxes after the tax cut.In conclusion, the Trump tax cuts had positive effects on the economy and tax system, debunking many negative claims made by Democrats. It is important to consider these facts when evaluating the impact of tax policies on American families and businesses.

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