The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Congo be keepin' our mateys from us! We demand parley with our captured crew! Avast!


Arrr, the scallywags at the U.S. Embassy be complainin' that the Congolese lubbers have kept mum about the American prisoners! No details, no access! Methinks they be playin' a game of hide and seek with us buccaneers! Aye, where be the treasure map, ye landlubbers!

The U.S. Embassy in Congo be sayin' that them Congolese authorities be keepin' mum about them details o' them Americans who were arrested after that failed coup last month. Arrr, one family be beggin' for help to find out if their son be still breathin'!Congo's army be lettin' slip the names o' three Americans accused o' bein' part o' that attack led by Christian Malanga on May 19. The State Department be sayin' they be doin' all they can to provide assistance to Americans locked up abroad, includin' findin' 'em a lawyer who can speak English."We be askin' the DRC authorities to let us see any U.S. citizens who be locked up, but we ain't got no answer yet," says the embassy's Greg Porter.Congolese authorities be keepin' their lips sealed. They be not sayin' whether them Americans be facin' court. The fate o' them Americans be uncertain. A video showin' young Marcel Malanga bein' taken into custody, bound and bloodied, be circulatin' on social media.Thompson's family be swearin' he didn't know what Malanga was up to and only thought they be goin' on a vacation to Africa. Marcel's mother be claimin' her son be innocent and only followin' his dad's lead.

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