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Arrr mateys, heave to and listen up! 'Tis talk of a Swiss summit where they'll chat about Ukraine's peace plan, yarrr!


Arr mateys, Switzerland be hostin' a grand summit on June 15-16 to gather all ye scallywags in support o' Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's peace plans. Let's set sail and show our pirate solidarity, ye scurvy dogs!

Arr, me hearties! Switzerland be hostin' a summit on June 15-16 to gather support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's peace plans, includin' the removal of Russian troops from Ukraine. But alas, Moscow be not invited to the party.With Russia's invasion draggin' on fer three long years and Kyiv's forces feelin' the heat on the front lines, Zelenskiy be hopin' to shine a light on Ukraine's struggles after months of focus on the Gaza war.The summit, set in an Alpine resort near Lucerne, be aimin' to lay the groundwork for lasting peace and a path for Russia to join the process.Russia be dismissin' the summit as a waste o' time, and China, cozyin' up to Russia, also be passin' on the invite, much to Kyiv's disappointment.Despite that, 107 countries and organizations have signed on, with the US in attendance but unsure if President Biden be showin' up. Zelenskiy be sayin' Putin will be happy if Biden misses the gathering.The Kremlin be callin' the summit pointless without Russia, but Kyiv be standin' firm in not trustin' Moscow after the destruction and loss o' life caused by the invasion.Despite the setbacks, Zelenskiy be pushin' forward with his peace plan, focusin' on food security, nuclear safety, and the release o' prisoners. He be expectin' a joint statement at the end o' the summit, hopin' to make progress where others have failed.The road to peace be long and treacherous, but Zelenskiy be determined to see Ukraine restored to its former glory, no matter the obstacles in his way.

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