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Ye scurvy landlubber be messin' with the ancient treasure? Walk the plank, ye rogue! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! Ye be hearin' of the scallywag from the Netherlands who dared to deface an ancient wall in Herculaneum? Aye, the lad be in a right pickle with the Italian officials for his cheeky graffiti antics! Ye best be watchin' yer step in them ancient ruins, lest ye face the wrath of the law! Arrr!

In a quaint Italian town, a young lad from the Netherlands found himself in a bit of a pickle after defacing a historic Roman wall. The cheeky scallywag decided to leave his mark on a domus in Herculaneum, much to the dismay of the local Carabinieri. The lad, who was gallivanting around southern Italy on holiday, thought it would be a jolly good idea to sign the ancient stuccoes with a black marker.The Italian authorities were not amused and swiftly identified the culprit, reporting him for his mischievous deeds. The Culture Minister was quick to condemn the act, emphasizing the importance of preserving their heritage and beauty. This incident, while humorous in its foolishness, is not an isolated case of tourists causing havoc in Italy. Last summer, a British tourist had to apologize for defacing the Colosseum in Rome with his and his sweetheart's names.One can only hope that these rascals learn their lesson and refrain from tarnishing the historical wonders of Italy in the future. Otherwise, they may find themselves walking the plank!

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