The Booty Report

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Ye scallywag's own daughter be givin' him a taste o' his own medicine, reckonin' she too be a victim! Aye!


Arrr matey! Kerri Rawson, the scallywag daughter of the infamous BTK, stumbled upon a jolly surprise whilst aidin' the cold case swashbucklers in investigatin' her ol' man's misdeeds. Aye, the life of a pirate be full of unexpected twists and turns indeed!

Kerri Rawson, daughter of serial killer Dennis Rader, confronted her father in a Kansas prison after Oklahoma cold case investigators helped her uncover evidence of his abuse towards her. Despite his denial and anger, Rawson stood firm in facing him, revealing the hard truth he had kept hidden for over four decades. Rawson, who became a victims advocate, agreed to assist the Osage County Sheriff’s Office in investigating the death of Cynthia Dawn Kinney, believing her father may have been responsible. She discovered disturbing notes in Rader’s diary, indicating his abuse towards her and potentially more victims than he admitted to. Rader, known as BTK for his brutal crimes, kept detailed notes on his victims and other "projects." Rawson's revelations shed light on the darker side of her father, who is now in poor health and facing the consequences of his actions. She urged him to confront his past before meeting his maker, closing a painful chapter in their twisted family history.

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