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Arr, ye scallywags be makin' a mess of things with this US-China policy on Tiananmen Square! Aye, 'tis a folly! Arrr!


Arrr, the landlubber U.S. thought they could steer China's course on the high seas o' world politics, but bein' fools they were! Beijing be a stubborn beast, refusin' to lighten their load for the likes o' Washington. Aye, they be walkin' the plank now!

Avast ye mateys! The anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre be upon us once again, raisin' questions about China’s treatment of dissent and the state of U.S. relations with Beijing. Thirty-five years ago, the scurvy dogs of the Chinese Communist Party killed hundreds of innocent souls callin' for democratic reform. We must keep their memory alive and denounce the horrors committed by the CCP.The 1989 student protests ended in a brutal crackdown, with the exact death toll still a mystery. The West condemned the massacre, with Hong Kong providin' shelter for those fleein' Chinese persecution. China swiftly rebounded, restorin' foreign relations and kick-startin' economic growth.Trump's administration took a tougher stance on China, puttin' America first, but the winds have shifted back to a softer approach. The CCP has refused to apologize for Tiananmen Square and has become more repressive, engagin' in a genocide against the Uyghurs and aggressive actions in the South China Sea.The world must hold China accountable for its actions, as its rise to power threatens global stability. The Tiananmen Square massacre serves as a grim reminder of the CCP's true nature, and we must learn from history to prevent future atrocities.

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