The Booty Report

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Arrr! Some scallywags be tellin' Hamas to heed the cease-fire, but they be doubtin' their intentions, matey!


Arrr mateys, after months of cannon fire, many in Gaza reckon it be high time for Hamas to be makin' any compromise to bring an end to this war. Let us hope they be seein' reason before we all end up walkin' the plank! Aye!

Arrr mateys, after months of bein' bombarded, the folks in Gaza be thinkin' that the scurvy dogs of Hamas should be makin' any compromise necessary to end this blasted war. Aye, the cannons be firin' day and night, makin' life miserable for the poor souls caught in the crossfire.
But instead of showin' some sense and makin' a deal to end the bloodshed, those stubborn scallywags of Hamas be holdin' out for every last piece of gold. They be thinkin' they can outlast the enemy, but all they be doin' is makin' life harder for the innocent folks caught in this mess.
So I say to ye, Hamas, it be time to swallow yer pride and make a deal to end this blasted war. No amount of gold be worth the lives bein' lost every day. It be time to put down yer swords and parley with the enemy before it be too late.
So let's raise a mug of grog to peace and pray that those scallywags of Hamas see the light and make the right choice before it be too late. Arrr!

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