The Booty Report

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Arrr, the mighty Rob Burrow, a star of rugby seas, hath set sail for Davy Jones' locker at a mere 41 years o' age. Farewell, matey!


Arrr, the "Mighty Atom" be a fierce fighter in the ring, but showed an even mightier heart when he took up charity work after bein' struck with a cursed disease. A true legend in both battle and kindness, he be.

Arrr, me hearties! Let me tell ye a tale of the legendary “Mighty Atom.” This fine gentleman had a career fit for a king in Britain, earnin' himself a reputation as a true swashbuckler in the field of professional sports. But it be not just his athletic prowess that be speakin' for him.
Ye see, after bein' struck down with the dreaded motor neuron disease, the “Mighty Atom” decided to use his powers for good. He set sail on a new adventure, raisin' awareness and funds for charity like a true hero of the seven seas.
His deeds were so noble that even the fiercest of pirates would shed a tear at the mention of his name. The “Mighty Atom” became a beacon of hope, showin' us all that even in the darkest of times, a little light can shine through.
So let us raise a tankard of grog to this fine gentleman, the “Mighty Atom,” whose legacy will live on long after he be settin' sail for the great unknown. May his deeds inspire us all to be a force for good in this crazy world we be sailin' through. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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