The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy dogs in the House be wishin' to impose sanctions on the I.C.C. officials! Walk the plank, ye landlubbers!


Arrr, the scurvy dogs in the Republican camp be tryin' to push their bill, but the White House be havin' none of it! Looks like this ship be sinkin' faster than a pirate with a hole in his boat! Aye, no treasure for ye, ye landlubbers!

Arr mateys, listen ye well to this tale of treachery and woe! A bill penned by the scurvy Republicans, be it known, hath raised the ire of the White House, who be swearin' vengeance upon it. But fear not, me hearties, for this bill be doomed to Davy Jones' locker afore it ever sees the light of day!
Ye see, the scallywags in Congress could not come to a accord on how to punish the miscreants this bill be targetin'. Without a bipartisan agreement, this bill be nothin' but a ghost ship sailin' in the night, bound for a watery grave.
So let us raise a tankard of grog in celebration, me fellow pirates, for this bill be no more threat to us than a guppy in a shark-infested sea. Let the Republicans stew in their own bilge, while we sail on to plunder another day!

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