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Arrr! Rep. Chip Roy be givin' AG Garland a proper roasting o'er the DOJ's lawsuit against Texas for stoppin' them illegal immigrants!


Arrr, a Texas scallywag didst give AG Merrick Garland a proper roasting during a House powwow 'bout keepin' an eye on the Justice Department. Garland be feelin' the heat like a scurvy dog walkin' the plank!

In a swashbuckling display, U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, boldly questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about the Justice Department's legal battle against Texas over border security measures. During the House Judiciary Committee hearing, Roy highlighted the tragic deaths of Lizbeth Medina and Laken Riley at the hands of illegal immigrants, emphasizing the need for Texas to defend itself against such threats.With a humorous twist, Texas has taken matters into its own hands by enforcing immigration laws and busing migrants to Democratic cities. The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Texas over SB 4, which enables local police to arrest illegal immigrants and judges to order their deportation.Roy passionately argued that Texas has the right to protect its borders and its people. Garland expressed sympathy for the victims' families and suggested allocating more resources to Border Patrol as a solution. However, Roy countered, blaming federal policies for the tragic deaths and criticizing the DOJ's lawsuit against Texas.Roy underscored the importance of enforcing immigration laws and preventing criminals from entering the country illegally. The heartbreaking stories of Medina and Riley serve as poignant reminders of the consequences of lax border security measures and the need for decisive action to protect American lives.

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