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The Cyprus cap'n be swearin' that the buffer zone shan't be overrun by landlubbers seekin' a new route. Arrr!


Arrr! Nikos Christodoulides, the president o' Cyprus, be swearin' on his treasure chest that he won't be lettin' through 27 asylum-seekers stuck in a buffer zone. No new migrant routes be openin' on his watch, says he! Aye, the cap'n be standin' firm on this matter!

Avast ye landlubbers! The president of Cyprus be sayin' that he won’t be lettin’ through more than two dozen asylum-seekers now stranded in a U.N.-controlled buffer zone that cuts across the war-divided island nation. President Nikos Christodoulides be ready to provide humanitarian assistance for the 27 migrants, but he be swearin' that the buffer zone won’t become a new passageway for illegal migrants.Cyprus be split in 1974 when Turkey invaded after a Greek junta-backed coup tried to join the island with Greece. Only the south, recognized internationally, be enjoyin' full EU membership benefits and asylum powers.The United Nations be helpin' the stranded migrants with food, water, and shelter, but can't process their asylum claims or send them back. They be pressurin' Cyprus to abide by EU and international laws for a solution.The migrants be stuck just before elections where migration be a hot topic. Cyprus be takin' tough measures to reduce illegal crossings, includin' agreements with Lebanon to stop boat arrivals.This ain't the first time migrants be stuck in the buffer zone, and Cyprus be cautious 'bout repeatin' the same pickle. In 2021, asylum-seekers from Cameroon were rescued by Pope Francis at the end of his visit to Cyprus. Ye best believe the seas be full of twists and turns for these poor souls!

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