The Booty Report

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Ye olde interfaith parley be pleadin' fer peace whilst hostages' kin be tellin' tales o' fear. Aye!


Arrr, the gathering o' different faiths be tellin' tales o' loved ones taken by the scurvy dogs o' Hamas. Each leader be prayin' and beggin' for the safe return o' all them poor souls. May the winds o' fortune blow in their favor!

An interfaith conference in New York City urged world leaders to remember the hostages still in Hamas custody and work towards their safe return to their families. Rabbi Joel M. Levenson emphasized the importance of religious leaders speaking up for common humanity and healing divisions. The Hostages and Missing Families Forum of New York featured families sharing their struggles and hopes for the return of their loved ones, highlighting the need for communication and moderation in resolving conflicts.Returning hostage Aviva Siegel described the harsh conditions she and her husband endured, emphasizing the need for compassion and humanity. The event brought together diverse faith leaders, including Israeli Muslim family members pleading for the safe return of their relatives held by Hamas. They emphasized the shared humanity and history between Israelis and Palestinians, calling for unity and peace.Sheikh Musa Drammeh urged protesters to educate themselves on the conflict and condemned Hamas' actions on October 7, stressing the importance of Israel's safety and security. The conference aimed to promote understanding and dialogue among different faiths, emphasizing the need for compassion and cooperation in resolving conflicts.

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