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Ye scurvy dogs, Ukraine be warnin' that wieldin' more Western weapons be like openin' a leaky plank in Russia's hull! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! If we be usin' the weapons o' the West to strike deep into Russia, Moscow's ability to sail in border waters be severely crippled, as the wise matey o' Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's be chirpin'. Aye, let's give 'em a taste o' our powder and shot! Arrr!

In a bold move that could change the course of the war, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's chief of staff announced the decision to use Western weapons to strike inside Russia. This decision was seen as vital in weakening Moscow's tactical aviation and its ability to operate in border areas. The U.S. had previously agreed to change its policy and allow Kyiv to strike inside Russia with Western weapons, following pressure from Ukraine and its European allies.The move was welcomed by Kyiv, as it believed that striking inside Russia would help push back Russian advances and better defend territory in the northeast Kharkiv region. Andriy Yermak, speaking on the Telegram messaging app, emphasized the importance of this decision in impacting the conduct of the war and weakening Russian forces.Ukraine has been outgunned and outmanned on the battlefield, pleading with Washington to allow it to strike targets on Russian soil with U.S.-made weapons. The decision to allow such strikes was narrowly tailored to the battle in the Kharkiv region, where Ukrainian forces were facing Russian aggression.In addition to using Western weapons, Ukraine is also developing its own weapons, particularly drones, to hit targets inside Russia. Some Ukrainian drones have already targeted Russian oil facilities and military installations hundreds of kilometers away from the border. This includes a daring drone strike on a long-range radar station in the city of Orsk, over 1,000 miles from the Ukrainian frontier.

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