The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ukraine be chattin' 'bout peace in Switzerland, but Russia be walkin' the plank, not invited!


Arrr, Kyiv be aimin' to gather allies for their proposal, but 'tis a tough task with China and Brazil not sendin' their best men. 'Tis like tryin' to plunder a ship with a leaky hull and a crew of scallywags!

Arrr mateys, listen up as I tell ye a tale of Kyiv and its quest for support in its proposal to Moscow. Aye, they be aimin' to gather backers for three key points afore confrontin' the scurvy dogs in the Russian capital. But 'tis no easy task, with the likes o' China and Brazil not sendin' their finest buccaneers to the meetin'.
Ye see, Kyiv be strivin' to sway the hearts of other nations, hopin' to build a strong alliance afore takin' on the mighty Moscow. 'Tis a risky gambit, but they be willin' to take the chance in the pursuit of their goals. The stakes be high, and the odds be stacked against 'em, but Kyiv be determined to press on.
So gather 'round, me hearties, and watch as Kyiv sets sail on this treacherous journey. Will they succeed in winnin' over their allies and gainin' the support they need? Only time will tell, but one thing be certain – this be a tale worth followin' as it unfolds on the high seas of diplomacy.

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