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Arrr, them scallywags from Israel be usin' fancy AI to keep the land lubbers safe in Gaza, says the expert.


Arr matey, them scallywags in the Israeli Defense Forces be usin' fancy AI to keep them landlubbers safe from harm, even with them pesky Hamas rascals hidin' like rats in civilian hideouts. Aye, technology be a mighty useful tool on the high seas of warfare!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) be keepin' mum about the AI systems they be usin' in the Gaza battlespace, despite boastin' about it durin' their tussle with Hamas in 2021. Blimey! Some reckon Israel be employin' AI recklessly, but Blaise Misztal from JINSA says they be usin' AI-powered drones and mapping systems to nab them scallywags from Hamas without causin' harm to civilians.Ye see, drones be buzzin' about Gaza, mappin' them tunnels and keepin' a weather eye on the land lubbers cavortin' below. There be ground drones like Iris and Vision-60 scuttlin' about, keepin' the troops safe from harm. Xtend be keepin' an eye out for rogue drones tryin' to sneak into Israel airspace, and drone swarms be helpin' to spot the villainous rocket launch sites of Hamas.Arrr, the AI systems "Gospel" and "Lavender" be helpin' Israel to target them scallywags with precision. These systems be helpin' to sift through tons of data collected by spy planes and other gadgets to find the likely targets.Facial recognition be helpin' the IDF to identify them sneaky Hamas leaders and fighters, keepin' civilians safe from harm. The use of AI be makin' Israel's operations more surgical and effective, reducin' civilian casualties in the process. Aye, the AP even reported that the proportion of women and children killed in the conflict be droppin' thanks to AI.So, me hearties, it be clear that AI be playin' a vital role in Israel's military operations, makin' them more efficient and effective in their fight against them scallywags from Hamas. Aye, technology be the wind in their sails, helpin' them navigate the treacherous waters of modern warfare.

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