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Arr matey! George Clooney be schmoozin' with Biden at a fancy LA shindig after gripin' to the White House.


Arr mateys, word has it that George Clooney be mixin' with President Biden at a grand shindig this Saturday, after givin' the White House a piece of his mind 'bout the president's jab at the ICC. Aye, the high seas be full of surprises indeed!

George Clooney will be mingling with President Biden at a lavish fundraiser in Los Angeles, following his reported complaint to the White House regarding the president's criticism of the International Criminal Court. The star-studded event at the Peacock Theater, featuring Hollywood heavyweights like Julia Roberts, is anticipated to rake in millions. Tickets ranged from $250 for basic entry to half a million dollars for exclusive perks, including photos with Biden and former President Obama.Biden, fresh from the G-7 summit in Italy, will be skipping a summit in Switzerland on Russia's war in Ukraine to attend the gala. Vice President Harris will represent the U.S. in his absence. Clooney's appearance follows his alleged call to the White House protesting Biden's stance on the ICC's arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, a case his wife worked on.Amidst rumors and controversy, Obama, Clooney, Roberts, and Kimmel are set to headline the fundraiser, aiming to boost Biden's campaign against Trump. The entertainment industry has rallied behind Biden, hoping to galvanize supporters and raise crucial funds for the upcoming election.

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