The Booty Report

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Arrr! 'Inside Out 2' be bringin' much booty to Pixar's treasure chest at th' box office! Aye, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! The sequel be set to plunder a whopping $145 million in the New World o'er the weekend, a booty 60 percent grander than foretold. Shiver me timbers, them scallywags be makin' a mint! Whar be me cut of the treasure?

Arrr! 'Inside Out 2' be bringin' much booty to Pixar's treasure chest at th' box office! Aye, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! The sequel be makin' a treasure of at least $145 million in the United States and Canada o'er the weekend, a good 60 percent more doubloons than them scallywags had predicted. Aye, the crew be celebratin' with a bottle of rum and a jig on the poop deck!
The box office be a dangerous sea, full o' surprises and hidden reefs. But this sequel be sailin' smooth and steady, like a swashbucklin' pirate ship in search o' plunder. The audience be flockin' to the theaters like seagulls to a fishin' boat, eager for adventure and laughs.
With this kind o' success, the sequel be settin' sail for even greater riches and fame. The critics be walkin' the plank, forced to admit that this be a hit worth its weight in gold. The producers be countin' their doubloons with glee, seein' their investment pay off in spades.
So let us raise a toast to the success of this sequel, me hearties! May it continue to pillage the box office and bring joy to audiences far and wide. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum for all!

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