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Avast ye landlubbers! Two scallywags sent to Davy Jones' locker, many more scuffed up during Juneteenth revelry.


Avast ye scallywags! Two landlubbers were sent to Davy Jones' locker and many more were left with cursed wounds during a skirmish in Round Rock, Texas, as the sun set on a Juneteenth Celebration. The constables have been alerted, so keep a weather eye on the horizon! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Two souls were sent to Davy Jones' locker and many more were wounded in a rowdy shootout that took place during a Juneteenth Celebration in Texas on Saturday night.The skirmish broke out around 10:50 p.m. in Round Rock, Texas, as reported by Round Rock Police Chief Allen Banks at a press briefing.The scallywags responsible for this treacherous act are still on the loose, with the exact number of culprits remaining a mystery.Arrr! At least six poor souls were taken to the healing hands of the local physicians with injuries of a serious nature, as recounted by emergency response officials and ABC News.During the festival at Old Settler's Park, two groups of scallywags started a brawl near the vendor area, leading to a salvo of gunfire from at least one miscreant.The valiant police officers and firefighters swiftly responded to the mayhem, applying tourniquets and offering CPR to the wounded souls.Details about the scoundrel responsible for this dastardly act remain shrouded in mystery, as multiple conflicting reports confound the investigation.As the sun rises on Father's Day, activities at the park have been postponed, but fear not, for they shall resume by afternoon for all to enjoy.

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