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Italian PM Meloni be givin' France's Macron a mean look after a scuffle o'er the G-7 declaration, arrr!


Arrr, the Italian Prime Minister be wearin' a face like a scurvy dog when she be shakin' hands with the French President at the G-7 summit. 'Tis a sight to behold, me hearties! 'Tis as if she'd rather be walkin' the plank than greetin' that Macron scallywag!

Arrr, me hearties! A video be circulatin' like wildfire showin' Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni lookin' like a storm be brewin' as she shakes hands with French President Emmanuel Macron at the G-7 summit in Italy. Macron be makin' his way down the line, greetin' the Italian President and his daughter afore reachin' Meloni.As Macron approaches, Meloni be givin' him a frosty glare, but she be puttin' on a forced smile as they shake hands. This tense exchange be followin' a clash between the two leaders over the mention of "abortion" in the G-7 statement.The final statement be omitting the word "abortion" but do mention the need to promote "reproductive health and rights." Macron be expressin' regret over the decision, but be respectin' it as the choice of the Italian people.Meloni be dismissin' the suspected row with Macron as blown out of proportion. As Italy's first female Prime Minister, she be campaignin' on a platform of "God, fatherland, and family," prioritizin' encouragin' women to have babies to address Italy's demographic crisis.Despite legalizin' abortion in 1978, Meloni be promisin' not to roll back the law. Fox News be seekin' comment from her office on the matter.

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