The Booty Report

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At Biden's gold-gathering, scurvy dogs from Tinseltown and Dem scallywags be flinging insults at Trump like cannonballs! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The Biden ship be fillin' its coffers with a grand haul o' $28 million doubloons at a swanky event in Los Angeles! The crew be a mix o' entertainers and former shipmates like Barack Obama and Jill Biden, all takin' shots at that scurvy dog Trump!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The Biden campaign be fillin' their treasure chests with a haul of at least $28 million pieces of eight at a grand fund-raiser in the land of Los Angeles! The sea dogs and land lubbers alike gathered together, with entertainers and even the former captain himself, Barack Obama, takin' aim at the scoundrel Donald J. Trump.
The drums be beatin', the flags be flyin', and the sharks be circlin' as the Biden crew be plannin' their attack on the White House. With the support of the former first mate, Jill Biden, by his side, Captain Biden be ready to set sail and take on the mighty Trump in the battle for the presidency.
So raise a mug o' grog me hearties, and toast to the Biden campaign's success! With their coffers filled and their spirits high, they be ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead on the high seas of politics. Let's see if they can navigate the treacherous waters and come out on top in the end. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, the Biden crew be ready for whatever may come their way!

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