The Booty Report

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Arr mateys, them swashbucklers in Belgium be raisin' a ruckus o'er the war in Gaza! Aye, aye!


Arrr, them scallywags be tryin' to mimic the ways of the land lubbers in the U.S., settin' up camp and shoutin' slogans. But the outcome be as different as night and day! Ye can't just copy the Yanks and expect the same results, ye bilge rats!

Arrr mateys, listen up as I tell ye a tale of Pro-Palestinian student activists at a Belgian university who be takin' a page out of the U.S. playbook of encampments and slogans. But beware, the results be as different as night and day!
Ye see, these landlubbers be settin' up their camp like a proper pirate crew, with tents and banners proclaimin' their cause. They be chantin' slogans and raisin' their fists in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
But alas, the Belgian authorities be not as lenient as the ones across the pond. They be swoopin' in like a pack of hungry sharks, tearin' down the camp and arrestin' the activists faster than ye can say "walk the plank."
So me hearties, let this be a lesson to ye all - when ye be borrowin' from the U.S. playbook, make sure ye know the lay of the land and be prepared for the consequences. Or ye might find yerself in Davy Jones' locker before ye know it!

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