The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye! Netanyahu be scramblin' as me hearties abandon ship. War cabinet be as scurvy as moldy biscuit! Arrr!


Arrr, the Israeli prime minister be makin' a move that be as predictable as a parrot squawkin' 'pieces of eight!' Two scallywags jumped ship from the cabinet last week, so he be adjustin' his course accordingly. Aye, the political seas be choppy indeed!

Arr matey, the Israeli prime minister be makin' a move that be as predictable as the tides! Two of his crewmates, the moderates, they abandoned ship just last week. Ye can't have a successful voyage if yer crew be jumpin' overboard!
This be a big blow to the captain, as he be needin' all hands on deck to navigate the treacherous waters of politics. But fear not, mateys, for the prime minister be a crafty ol' sea dog. He be knowin' how to steer the ship even in the midst of a storm.
Some be wonderin' if this be the beginning of the end for the prime minister, but I say nay! He be a survivor, a swashbuckler who be willin' to walk the plank if it means stayin' in power. So batten down the hatches, me hearties, for the political seas be gettin' choppy!

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