The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! A Russian town be protectin' itself with blast shelters and drone jammin' against war. Arrr!


Avast ye landlubbers! In Moscow, the scurvy dogs be feelin' safe from battle, but in Belgorod, just 25 leagues from the Ukraine border, the sirens be a-callin' for the locals to duck and cover like scaredy cats! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! In Moscow, the scallywags be feelin' safe and sound, but over in Belgorod, just a stone's throw from the Ukraine border, them landlubbers be duckin' for cover when them sirens start a-wailin'! Arrr, it be a right ol' rumble goin' on over yonder!
Even though the fightin' be happenin' a good distance away, them folks in Belgorod ain't takin' no chances. They be keepin' a weather eye out for them sirens, ready to duck for cover faster than ye can say "pieces of eight!"
So next time ye be complainin' about a bit o' rain or a pesky seagull stealin' yer grub, just remember them poor souls in Belgorod, dodgin' cannonballs and keepin' a weather eye out for trouble. It be a tough life on the high seas, me hearties, but at least we ain't duckin' for cover every time a siren wails!

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