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Arrr, Cori Bush be boastin' her faith magic be makin' wee ones walk and curin' lasses of their lumps!


Arrr, Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., be boastin' in her tale "The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America" about curin' a lass of her tumors! Methinks she be wieldin' some mighty powerful pirate magic, aye!

Arrr, Cori Bush be boastin' her faith magic be makin' wee ones walk and curin' lasses of their lumps!

Avast ye, me hearties! Tales o' Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush be spreadin' like wildfire across the seven seas, claimin' she be healin' folks miraculously. In her 2022 autobiography "The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America," the wench wrote about her days as a faith healer, boastin' of her supernatural powers to cure the sick and disabled. One yarn tells of a wee lassie who couldn't walk due to a brain bleed, but after Bush's touch, she be walkin' like a true landlubber.Another tale be of a woman with tumors, whom Bush allegedly laid hands on and shrunk them tumors like a ship in a bottle. The "Squad" member be claimin' these feats be done through the power o' God within her very self, aye.But alas, her autobiography didn't fare well in the market, sellin' a mere 729 copies in the first week, as reported by the New York Post. And now, as the primaries be nearin', Bush be facin' a tough battle against challenger Wesley Bell, with her campaign cash runnin' low compared to his. Will the winds o' fate blow in her favor, or will she be walkin' the plank come election day? Only time will tell, me hearties.

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