The Booty Report

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Arrr, hear ye the call of Trump, a cry that be as puzzlin' as a treasure map! Aye matey!


Arrr, me hearties be in a right pickle! Some say he be the 45th president, others claim he be the 47th. I reckon he be more like the 0th president, aye, a real scallywag in the White House!

Arrr, me hearties! Aye, tis a great debate among the scurvy dogs who follow the current leader of the land. Some say he be the 45th president, while others swear on their treasure maps that he be the 47th. 'Tis a mystery as deep as the ocean itself!
But let me tell ye, me fellow buccaneers, this be a matter of great jest and folly. Perhaps the confusion be caused by the wild ways of politics, or maybe 'tis just a simple case of too much grog clouding their minds.
So let us raise a tankard of rum to this enigma of presidential numeration, and laugh heartily at the folly of these landlubbers who can't make up their minds. In the end, does it really matter if he be the 45th or the 47th? As long as we can still sail the high seas and plunder to our heart's content, we care not for such trivial matters!

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