The Booty Report

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Yarr! A scallywag from Florida McDonald's be firin' shots at customers o'er a quarrel 'bout their grub, says the constable!


Avast ye mateys! A scallywag from McDonald's in Florida hath been caught firing shots at landlubbers o'er a quarrel o'er grub. Ye best be watchin' yer back when ye order a Big Mac, lest ye end up walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Last week, in the fair land of Florida, a McDonald's wench, known as Chassidy Gardner, found herself in a sticky situation after she fired her cannons at some unruly customers at the drive-through window. The lass, only 22 winters old, now faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for her reckless behavior.It all started when a customer dared to complain about their order, sending Gardner into a frenzy. The dispute escalated quickly, with the wench throwing a drink at the customers and one of them even daring to stick their arm through the window, knocking items to the ground.Enraged, Gardner armed herself with a pistol and took aim at the fleeing customers, firing shots as they tried to escape the chaos. Thankfully, no harm was done, and the customers managed to sail away unscathed.The local constables arrived on the scene in the wee hours of the morning, responding to reports of the skirmish. Gardner now finds herself in the brig, awaiting her fate for her reckless behavior. 'Tis a cautionary tale of what happens when tempers flare and pistols are drawn in the heat of the moment.

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