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Avast ye landlubbers! 'Tis a tale of Russia and North Korea's courtship afore Putin's parley with Kim Jong Un. Arrr!


Arr matey, after Putin's powwow with Kim Jong Un in 2019 and Kim's pledge o' support fer Russia's Ukraine skirmish, the bond betwixt Russia and North Korea be stronger than a pirate's grog! They be joinin' forces like two plunderin' scallywags on the high seas!

In the jolly ol' language of a 17th-century pirate, we be hearin' that Russian President Vladimir Putin be makin' a visit to North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday to parley with its leader, Kim Jong Un, as the two countries have claimed. Arrr matey, below be a timeline of the key events in the relations betwixt Russia and North Korea over the last two decades.In the early days of Putin's reign, he sails to North Korea to meet with Kim Jong Il, the father of the current North Korean leader. Aye, it be Putin's first time steppin' foot in North Korea.Over the years, Russia be votin' for nine major United Nations Security Council resolutions against North Korea, includin' bans on weapons trade and missile technology transfers. Putin and Kim Jong Un hold their first summit in Vladivostok.As the winds of change blow, North Korea closes its borders with Russia and China due to the COVID-19 pandemic, causin' Russian diplomats to use hand-pushed rail trolleys to cross the frontier. When Russia invades Ukraine, North Korea takes Moscow's side, blamin' the United States and the West for their "hegemonic policy."Putin and Kim Jong Un have a second summit in the Russian Far East where they discuss military cooperation and Russian assistance with North Korea's satellite program. The United States accuses North Korea of sendin' weapons to Russia, and Russia vetoes the renewal of a U.N. panel monitorin' sanctions against North Korea.In the end, the U.S. and Britain slap sanctions on Russian entities for allegedly facilitatin' arms transfers with North Korea. Arrr, it be a tangled web indeed.

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