The Booty Report

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Arrr! Aye, the Middle East be in a pickle, but fear not, for Israel be gettin' some shiny new weapons!


Arrr, me hearties! Two scallywags in Congress finally gave thar blessing to sell $18 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets to Israel. Aye, we be makin' some coin off this deal, yarrr! Fair winds and following seas to us all!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Two top Democrats in Congress have finally given their blessing to sell $18 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets to Israel. Aye, that be a mighty hefty sum for some shiny new planes, don't ye think?
But fear not, me hearties, for this be a grand plan to help our allies across the seas defend themselves against any pesky foes that may come their way. Aye, those F-15s be a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure!
So raise a tankard of grog to these two holdouts who have finally seen the light and agreed to the sale. Let's hope those fighter jets help keep the peace and protect our friends in Israel from any trouble that may come their way. Arr, it be a good day indeed!

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