The Booty Report

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Me hearty film mate be injured, blamin' Amazon for his woes. Aye, the scallywags be at it again!


Arrr, the swashbuckling scallywag responsible for the visual effects be claimin' injury in the recent mishaps on Amazon film sets. But the company be denyin' any wrongdoing, like a sneaky sea serpent slitherin' away from responsibility. Aye, tis a tale fit for Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, me hearties! Listen to this tale of woe from the high seas of the Amazon film sets! A visual effects supervisor be hurt in not one, not two, but three accidents, and now he's taken to the courts to seek his due. But hold fast, for the company be cryin' foul, swearin' on the bones of Blackbeard himself that they be not to blame for the mishaps that have befallen this poor swashbuckler.
Ye can imagine the scene, me mateys - a ship be sinkin', a cannon be misfired, a riggin' be breakin' loose - it be a right mess that no amount of grog can fix! And now the visual effects supervisor be demandin' his share of the treasure in compensation for his injuries. But the company be fightin' back, claimin' they be not responsible for the cursed luck that followed this poor soul like a shadow on a moonless night.
So there ye have it, me hearties! A tale of woe and intrigue from the treacherous waters of the Amazon film sets. Will justice prevail, or will the company escape the hangman's noose once again? Only time will tell in this swashbucklin' saga of lawsuits and accusations on the high seas of filmmakin'!

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