The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! How be we to choose in November when both sides be thinkin' the other be daft? Aye!


Arrr! The scallywags on the 'Gutfeld!' plank be jabberin' on about the naysayers of President Biden and that scurvy dog Trump. Me thinks they be needin' a good keelhaulin' to set 'em straight! Har har har!

Arrr, me hearties! As election day be nigh, this here monologue aims to help ye undecided scallywags choose a side, even when both be thinkin' the other be as daft as a drunken parrot! Aye, 'tis a common sight in the world o' politics, where both sides be mirrorin' each other in their intense dislike. 'Tis like me and Kilmeade, but I don't have crabs - he be raisin' 'em on his sea farm to distract from the herpes!Now, the criticisms of Biden's wits be as fierce as the jabs at Trump's temperament, as interchangeable as Chris Cuomo and a bag o' stale farts! Each side be fervent in their beliefs, but how can that be? Be ye smart and the other side dumb? Or be one in a cult and the other enlightened? 'Tis a puzzle, matey!Strategic empathy be the key - see how the other side views yer own and give their arguments a good shakedown. Dems see Trump as a boastful, immoral figure, while the other side sees Biden as a feeble old soul. The policies be overshadowed by personalities and hypothetical fears, like Trump becomin' a dictator or Biden leadin' to national decline.One side be tested, the other not - Republicans had alternatives to Trump, but the Dems sailed on with Joe, even as he stumbled like a drunken sailor. Be ye willin' to challenge yer own beliefs or be stuck in a leaky boat with no oars? The choice be yers, me hearties!

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