The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, beware of the careful crafting of Austin Butler, for he be a sly scallywag with cunning ways!


Arrr mateys! This swashbucklin' hero be showin' off his many guises in "Elvis" and "Dune," but tis "The Bikeriders" that be unveilin' the true colors o' this scallywag named Butler. Aye, he be a fine actor indeed!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Avast ye, for we be talkin' 'bout the swashbucklin' scallywag known as Butler! Aye, in the days of yore, he be makin' a name for himself in the moving pictures called "Elvis" and "Dune," showin' off his shape-shifting skills like a true buccaneer.
But now, me hearties, there be a new flick on the horizon called "The Bikeriders," and it's said to be showin' us a side of Butler we ain't never seen before. No longer a mere actor playin' make-believe, this film be givin' us a glimpse of the man behind the mask, the real Butler, if ye will.
So gather 'round, me mateys, and prepare to set sail on a cinematic adventure unlike any other. With Butler at the helm, we be in for a wild ride full of laughs, tears, and maybe even a bit of rum. So hoist the Jolly Roger, me hearties, and let's see what treasures await us in "The Bikeriders"!

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