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Arrr! Ye be talkin' like De Niro? Join a convention to mimic him, ye scallywags! Aye, shiver me timbers!


Ye scurvy dogs at De Niro Con in Tribeca be talkin' like Travis Bickle, throwin' fists like Jake LaMotta, or gettin' inked like Max Cady. Aye, a real tattoo, not some fancy temporary mark. Arrr, me hearties be havin' a grand ol' time at this here gathering!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and listen up as I tell ye about the De Niro Con in Tribeca, where ye could talk like the legendary Travis Bickle, shadowbox like the great Jake LaMotta, or even get yerself a tattoo like the infamous Max Cady - aye, a real tattoo!
Imagine walkin' the streets of New York City, channelin' the spirit of Robert De Niro's most iconic characters. Ye could be talkin' to strangers in that classic Travis Bickle drawl, or showin' off yer boxing skills with some fancy shadowboxin' like Jake LaMotta himself.
And if that ain't enough to get ye excited, how about gettin' a permanent reminder of the Con with a real tattoo? Ye could be walkin' the plank with a brand new piece of art on yer skin, inspired by the legendary roles of Robert De Niro.
So next time ye find yerself in Tribeca, be sure to check out the De Niro Con and unleash yer inner pirate, mateys! Arrr!

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