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Avast ye scallywags! Over 200 landlubbers be thrown in the brig for raisin' the taxes in Kenya! Arrr!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs in Kenya be catchin' 210 landlubbers in the city of Nairobi! They be raisin' a ruckus o'er tax hikes, causin' chaos and makin' the shops shutter their doors for fear of thievin'! Aye, a pirate's life be a peaceful one compared to them troublemakers!

In the bustling city of Nairobi, more than 200 rowdy landlubbers have been clapped in irons in ongoing protests against proposed tax hikes in a finance bill soon to be debated by the scallywags in parliament. Civil society groups have sworn to continue their demonstrations and sit-downs outside the parliament buildings, undeterred by the jailing of 210 protesters. Nairobi's top copper, Adamson Bungei, has declared that no mob has been given the nod to protest in the capital, despite the right to peaceful protests enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution.The scallywags in blue coats have fired tear gas at the throngs of protesters, sending businesses scurrying to lock up shop over fears of pilfering. A swashbuckling lawyer has taken up the cause on behalf of all Kenyans facing the brunt of the tax hikes, pleading with the constables not to clap them in irons or wallop them, as they fight for the rights of all.President William Ruto and his cronies have made some concessions in the tax proposals after a pow-wow with ruling party lawmakers, dropping a few controversial levies such as the 16% VAT on bread. Rights groups have demanded the immediate release of all arrested protesters and observers, while opposition leader Raila Odinga has called for legislators to scrutinize the bill to spare the poor from the burden of taxes.If the bill is passed in its current form, weekly protests are set to resume, with a vote scheduled for Monday after debates kick off on Wednesday. The last year's finance law had already stirred the hornet's nest with a housing tax and doubled VAT on petroleum products, adding to the woes of the struggling Kenyans.

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